Our FounderFounder and Director: Mrs. Josephina Anna LeeI started up the Center in 1997 following the footstep of my role model, Dr. Linda K. Silverman. As internationally renowned guru in the field of assessment and counseling of the gifted and talented, Dr. Silverman has been guiding me through my career journey ever since Graduate School at Melbourne University. Inspired by Linda's commitment in promoting advanced development, I am dedicated to optimize the life span development of gifted and talented people as my life long career. My specialty is primarily on assessment and counseling of the highly and profoundly gifted, programming for multiple exceptional educational needs (e.g. challenges of Asperger, ADHD, SID and or Anxiety), psychology of career development and psycho-spiritual guidance.
In the past 17 years, I met about 800 families. Among these cases, we found over 200 cases of gifted and talented individuals across age levels. I am deeply touched by the real stories of these gifted individuals whose perceptiveness, persistent quest for meaning and compassion are spring of joy and wisdom. Such deep experience has become a special source of knowledge enriching, not simply my career but also my life journey. I grow with my clients and give my wholehearted support to serve their inner desire for fulfillment. And we share such passion through community services to reach more people from different background. Over the years, in addition to serving the individuals and their families, we conducted seminars and professional workshops for diverse professional communities including medical doctors, social workers, educators, as well as lay public. In order to serve the complex needs of our clients, I have developed collaborative relationship with a wide range of health professionals in Hong Kong (e.g. family doctors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, behavioral optometrist, dietitian, family therapists etc etc). Furthermore, I have developed international networks with institutions such as the Gifted Development Center, Denver and The Center for Talented Youth of Johns Hopkins University, S.E.P. of University of North Colorado, D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R. of University of Arizona institutions renowned for assessment, counseling and special education programs for the gifted. In the past few years, I actively engage in collaborative coaching with universities in the States, UK and Australia for case followups of gifted and talented students with Asperger Syndrome. Maintaining collaborative networks with worldwide institutes keep our service to align with international standards of practice. Our inspiration grows and glows! In addition to international connections, I was also appointed as advisor to the Counselling Center of the Hong Kong Boys' and Girl's Association between 2000-2005. I am also the founder member of ADHD Foundation and actively involved in research projects and community education. Recently, I initiate community service on promoting social solidarity among Islamic groups in Hong Kong for the service of love. Furthermore, we start a community project serving highly able people with Asperger or Autism Disorder going through the transition between college and work.
Professional Background
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